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Live Pulse Streams

Preview v2 up and running again!
The service has been revised and has been reactivated as v2 after improving internal event handling. Features can be used, but might still be subject to change.

The Live Pulse Streams feature allows you to connect each of your preferred applications (e.g. NinjaTrade, TradeStation, ...) with integrated data feeds to the cycle analysis toolbox. Updating and synchronizing data from a local or cloud-based third-party application with the cycle scanner analysis capabilities of our cycle toolbox is done in near real-time. As a result, you can perform near real-time cycle analysis of private data for any data set, time frame, and application.

How does it work?

You start your application as usual and set up your favorite chart, symbol and interval. Next, you run a prepared script and insert it into your application. This script will be executed after new data or a new bar is received. Immediately after receiving, this script will send a new bar to the cycle toolbox for further cycle analysis. You may open a special cycle scanner web window in a browser to see how the dominant cycle is detected and plotted fully automatically.

As a result, you can run your favorite symbols and intervals with your existing data feed, via for example TradeStation or NinjaTrader, and connect live data directly to the cycle analysis toolbox. The Cycle Scanner monitors the arrival of new data and updates the analysis automatically.

The concept is illustrated by the following illustration:


What are the prerequisites?
  • A valid cycle tools subscription with an existing API key is required. The API key must be provided when you activate your script in your custom application.
  • It is required that you have your own third-party application with its own datafeed (e.g. TradeStation, NinjaTrader).
  • Download and install the required scripts for your application.
  • When not using the pre-built scripts, you can set up your script to use streams individually based on our Rest API documentation.
    How to get started?

    The following example shows screenshots from TradeStation. However, the scripts and approach is the same in other applications.

    1. Open your charting application. Provide the API Key and symbol prefix information in the settings window. As shown here, for Tradestation you enter the Api key into the Cycle Analysis TradingApp window. If you use the pre-build version for NinjaTrader, you will enter the Api Key in the indicator settings panel.


    2. On a running chart, apply a ShowMe (TradeStation) or Indicator (NinjaTrader) script named "WTT_AppDataStream" :


      There are no settings for the script. This script will ensure to push and sync the data to the cycles toolbox. The script will use the following convention to create a cycles datafeed ticker id:


      If you have a 1min BTC USD chart running, the live stream will be available on the cycle analysis platform with the tickerid: TS-BTCUSD-1M:[USERNAME]

      If no errors or alerts show up, the chart is now connected as live stream to the cycles toolbox.

      TradeStation Platform
      NinjaTrader Platform
    3. Login to the cycles toolbox at and open the "My Streams" section within the "Settings" menu:


      The connected datafeed should show up in the table with the Name Id. Streams connected via TradeStation should begin with the TS prefix. Streams connected via NinjaTrader start with a NT prefix.

      You can use the settings panel to monitor incoming events if you enable the Event Monitor with the "Live Pulse Streams" switch. The monitor is only used to show incoming signals for debug reasons. It is not required to enable the Event Monitor. The live sync is working anyhow.

    4. You can now open the cycle scanner for the connected symbol by clicking the "Open" button.


      A new page will show up. You just need to enable the stream via the switch "Live Pulse" on the top of the screen. From now on, live data will stream onto the chart when a new bar has been closed in your local charting app. The cycle analysis will automatically be updated. So all active cycles and the spectrum pot will refresh automatically with new data coming in.

    5. Enjoy your live connection between your local app and the cycle scanner app!

    Download the pre-build scripts for your platform as attached files to the article.


    NinjaTrader NT8 (64bit):

    ( requires Newtonsoft.Json.dll )


    Current limits:

    Analyst Level:      5 running live streams
    Pro Level:          20 running live streams


    3rd Party Integration

    The integration is based on the cycle API data stream endpoints. Data stream integration can be performed for any application using the Submit Stream Data API endpoint. The deployed scripts use this endpoint to provide integration for NT8 and TradeStation - you can review the deployed and attached open scripts to see how this endpoint is used to synchronize both platforms. Please read the API specification.